Tag Archives: discussion

Training & Workshop “Promotion Strategy” at PPI Korwil Bekasi

It was a lovely day, as I went to Bekasi with Commuter Line for the first time. I choose to use the train because it was Sunday, and I had enough driving and struggling with traffic for the whole week 🙂

So, I was honored to be the facilitator for the workshop with the PPI Bekasi members, as always, I don’t do much talking, rather to reach everyone’s own opinion, and widen it to be the group’s best strategies to reach their potential clients.

I divide the members into groups of random people with the same dynamic knowledge because some of them were already an expert or a practitioner on this matter, and some are very new at this. Some are good at drawing and capturing ideas and some likes to do arguments and discussion 🙂



The presentation by the choosen member to represent their GroupImageImage


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Posted by on February 15, 2013 in Uncategorized


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